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 Assassins of the Throne

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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 8:17 pm

Analise looked around the small apothecary with challenging eyes, scanning it for the items she needed. The casual brown and wine red dress she was wearing blended in against the dark wood and stone of the building, even as she stopped before a jar of preserved cobra venom sacks with a gleeful smile. There were few things her Poison room back at her estate did not grow for her, but there were simple some poisons she could not keep in her home. She hummed and picked up the jar before glancing around for Snakeroot...well...root. She found it and quickly bagged it before going to pay. She tilted her head at the manager of the store and placed them on the counter.

"Good eve, sir."
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 8:37 pm

Tom shifted slightly, letting his newest customer see the emblem stitched into his shirt in off-white thread. He rolled a coin in his fingers, looking at the woman quizzically. "Not many people come in looking for poisons. Do you have a rat infestation, perhaps?"
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 8:42 pm

Analise smiled prettily and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, flashing the same emblem off a ring on her finger. Playing the airheaded noble she giggled.

"Why, yes! They're simply awful! Scurrying around my home and spreading disease. My head butler said that you carry the compounds he needs to make a rat poison." She smiled prettily again and smoothed the front of her skirts down and pulling her velvet purse out. "How much, good sir? As much as I would love to chat I'm late for a very important party."

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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 8:50 pm

"I can perhaps give a discount to such a lovely lady as yourself," Tom stated for the benefit of any over-curious ears. "Two silver pieces for the lot."

Tom gently placed an additional thick glass vial of clear liquid on the counter. Sulfuric acid. "Hope you have good luck with those rats miss."
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 8:54 pm

Analise smiled and pressed two silver coins and a bloodied feather in a cream envelope into his hand fluttering her eyelashes.

"Why thank you ever so much good sir.If you would like, I'm holding a party this weekend...if you would like to attend. All the right people will be there. Maybe you could...get a nicer apothecary?" She didn't even wait for a reply before fluttering her fingers delicately and gliding out the door with a cheery giggle.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 9:16 pm

Tom grinned and shoved the feather under his counter with the three others he had collected today. Alright Thomas, time to close up shop. We have a job to do. He strode out the door calmly and locked it behind him. Tom looked around casually and strolled to the back of his shop, where he scaled to the roof and slinked across the path across the rooftops he had constructed days before, his white clothing melding with the hazy skies. He reached his destination and slid down the overgrown wall to look cautiously in the window of his target's house. The man walked around his room, oblivious of the fate he was to possess in just a few short hours.

Tom melted back into the shadows and wondered idly whether that assassin he had met in the shop had a job tonight as well.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 9:25 pm

Analise pulled a poisoned needle out of her hair arrangement, looking down at her target before frowning and letting the skirt she'd pinned up in the front down so she could jump down into the street in the night time gloom. She smiled at the man as she walked up beside him. The Lord was trying to lead all of England to war with Ireland and the Master had decided that that could not be allowed to happen. She it was her job to off the known playboy. She fluttered her eyes flirtatiously while watching the white figure of her lethal partner on the rooftops.

With a quick move in the dark she pressed her poisoned needle into his flesh and let the potent venom work into his system quickly as she pulled him into a kiss.

"May the Goddess forgive your actions." She gently sat his body up against a low wall, pressing the needle into his hand and closing the Lord's eyes. "It be done Chezzy, let us be off."
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 9:53 pm

Tom grimaced at nothing in particular. The series of events he must set in motion this night were intricate and relied on everything going absolutely perfectly. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he glided up to the door and smoothly tossed the tumblers with his lockpicks. He quickly entered and stuck a knife on the inside of his door, leaving it embedded as he closed and relocked the door behind him, venturing yet again into the evening air. The plan was begun.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar skirt a ways down the street.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 9:59 pm

The white figure was about to jump down when he noticed another of their kind and hid. Analise looked over out of the corner of her eye as she finished pinning her skirt up again. The assassin from before was at the end of the street, the female killer hummed before fixing her hair with another needle from her pouch, careful not to prick herself.

" me back at the manor. I will be back as soon as I give my assignment to the new Book Keeper." The white figure nodded and darted off into the shadows. Pulling the feather off her hat, Analise dipped it into the blood on the cobblestones and started walking towards the man from the apothecary.

"A little late...for a shop keep to be out. Do you not agree, Peace Keeper?"
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 10:24 pm

Tom smiled nervously at the woman. "Just going home, lady. If you'll excuse me, I have... places to be." He slipped a clean envelope to her. "Be sure and take that little secret of yours to somebody trustworthy."

Tom strode off purposefully to set the next event in motion, towards the slums.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 10:28 pm

Analise smiled at him slyly and slipped an invitation into his pocket.

"It's tomorrow night. Master will be there; don't be late." She lept into the darkness and started off home. Her plants needed repotting...and needed watering. Chezzy wouldn't be lonely without his Creator.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 10:54 pm

A nearly ethereal figure flowed through the air towards the slums. Tom unconsciously strayed towards the shadows as he walked the increasingly more empty streets. He was reaching the slums of Manchester. As his white clothes grew more and more out of place with his surroundings he began to shed his paper-thin outer layer of brilliant white and folded it neatly in his satchel. Underneath he was a changed man, dressed in dirty tattered brown clothes with not the faintest whisper of flair. He pulled a thin gray cloak from another pocket in his satchel and wrapped it haphazardly around his shoulders. By the time he reached the filthy shack that was his destination he looked like any other street beggar. Tom rapped thrice on the door and pressed his cheek to the wood. He softly intoned "Eagle's nest," and the door slowly creaked open.

A dirty pile of rags stood before him, holding out a smothered appendage in expectation. Tom gently pressed both an envelope and a fat gold coin into the cloth. "Courier, eight, eight, two pence, crow, do you understand me?" The courier's head nodded slightly and he slinked off to deliver the message. Tom smiled grimly and climbed to the roof where he rushed back to the rich areas of town as quickly as he could. The insult in that letter would draw quite a bit of trouble to a certain member of Parliament's house.

Tom was quicker than trouble, as it turned out.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 11:03 pm

Analise flitted in and out of the groups of couturiers and Lords, a plastic smile painted on her face as she greeted and lightly teased and insulted those she was told to. As the only Assassin to get into the Courts light and stay there without being detected, she fought tooth and nail to keep her spot in the crowd; obtain a few bodies littering the path to her goal. With a slight of hand, she flicked a few drops of strong Oleander and Belladonna into a man's cup who suspected her without being detected, smiling and laughing at a woman's joke at another noble's behalf. The assassin spent most the night at the party, worrying about how her little practitioner friend Chezadier was doing. While deadly in his own right, the Seer despised the 'senseless blood shed' her jobs entailed.

'Oh Chezzy. One day you'll see this blood shed isn't so pointless.Once we have secured the Kingdom for the rightful Heir and have reset the Wards into their proper places. Then people with the senses can live peacefully.' Her mind turned to the Tom Book Keeper. A smile flitted over her lips.

'Perhaps...he can be of help with dear little Chezzy.'
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 11:22 pm

Tom wiped his knife on the frightened official's trousers. Seven thugs lay dead on the floor in front of him. "Tell me, do you know why those men were after you...?"

Misinformation succinctly spread, the Shade crept across the block to his target's house. Sure enough, he was gone, the knife removed in a panic. Tom smiled. Everything was working out so far. He flitted to yet another lord's house, watching as his target argued with the doorman. He crept up the roof and watched. This was the hardest part. The target reached into his pocket and pulled the knife out. Tom quickly saw a bundle of rags disappear around a corner before diverting his attention back to the argument. Just as the target pulled the blade into clearer light, Tom released his own blade into the chill air. It fell, down, before landing heavily in the doorman's skull.
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PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 11:41 pm

Analise made her way into her home, past her butler and into her Poison Garden. Sitting on a bench near the water feature was little blue eyed, pale haired Chezzy. She walked over and laid a kiss on the young man's hair. She raised the boy as her own brother and he warned her of the supernatural.

"Good evening Chezzy. There is a young man coming tomorrow to see the master. Try and stay in here and play with the fey? I do not wish any of the other Assassino's to scare you." She smiled; knowing they would never harm the little 13 year old boy but they would give him a scare. Chezadier smiled up at his 'big sister' and nodded.

"I will do as you say, Sister in heart. But please, ready to me before bed tonight?" Analise smiled indulgently and nodded.

"Anything you want, brother dearest."
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PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeMon Sep 05, 2011 11:50 pm

Tom heard the gasps. He had aimed correctly. The doorman's violent spasms before his death flung the knife into the hedges next door, leaving the target standing at the doorway, blade in hand and dead man at his feet.

Tom smiled slightly and jumped off the roof behind the large house. The rest would take care of itself for an hour or two. He strolled back to his shop, whistling casually.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 11:53 am

Analise knelt before an old man who stood before a bay window. The master of the assassins turned to regard her with one pale blue eye. She bowed her head to the floor and started to report.

"I have found the Assassins you spoke of, Master Alex. I will approach him tomorrow night at the Ball and talk to him about the Princess Victoria." The Master nodded, stroking his copper beard and looking out the window at a young woman in the gardens.

"It is time to start Phase Two. It's time to kill the crown Prince and get the Princess of the throne; all in the name of progress. She will lead our kind into prosperity and peace."

Amalise nodded and frowned.

"As you wish, Master."
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 7:29 pm

Tom peered into the shady window of his target's new temporary jail cell. His target was weeping openly, having been accused of killing a man he never touched, and plotting to kill another he never schemed against. Thomas, the Shade, almost felt sorry for his doomed loanshark as he tossed a tiny toxin pellet directly into the water that was just now pushed into the cell. Neither the guard nor his victim noticed it, and his last debt was payed in blood as the official quietly succumbed to the toxin.

Tom smiled and strolled back to his humble apothecary, free for the first time in years.
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 7:49 pm

((this rp looks interesting, i will join but this isn't a format im used to)
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 7:51 pm

Analise was waiting for the man at his apothecary, still in her assassin gear and sitting on his counter. She was fixing a blade to her wrist mounted mechanism with poison from a vial on her waist.

"Welcome back, Thomas. I hope you weren't planning on skipping my Ball." She let the blade slide back into the mechanism again with a snik. She smiled prettily, her hair done up in an elegant fashion

(If you really want to, just try! ^^;Wink
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 8:00 pm

Tom grinned. "I was under the impression said Ball was tomorrow evening, miss. Although I will accompany you back to your house if that was your intent."

The Shade rolled a coin in his fingers casually. Absolutely nothing could drag his spirits tonight.

(Indeed. Just hop in with a new character.)
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 8:05 pm

((whats the setting?)
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 8:07 pm

Analise smiled cordially and slipped off the counter, swiveling her hips as she walked up to him.

"I was simply making sure you remembered." She ran a hand down his chest, straightening the shirt and smiling foxily. "Be there by 6, the Master wishes to speak with you." She then left out the door, her shoes clacking lightly on the cobblestone.

(England in 1827.)
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 8:14 pm

(( alight, forgive me im a bit rusty)

Derek walked down the streets casually, his black trench coat swept just above the ground, he dusted off his top hat then put it on. He gave off a very noble and wealthy atmosphere even though he was a slightly twisted killer, under his coat he hid his large arsenal off deadly toys waiting to be lost in the bodies of their targets. as he walked the towns folk were buzzing about a ball at some estate tonight. "I might just see what the buzz is about." He thought to himself
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Assassins of the Throne Empty
PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitimeTue Sep 06, 2011 8:23 pm

Tom leaned against the counter contentedly. He supposed he ought to go. The Shade smiled and pulled out the feather he had rapidly dragged across the blood of the doorman, gently placing it with the others. Smiling softly, he dragged himself to bed and readied himself for the next day.

(Manchester to be precise.)
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PostSubject: Re: Assassins of the Throne   Assassins of the Throne Icon_minitime

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